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Shared State in TresJS

This guide will help you get started with shared state in TresJS by building a simple scene with a cube that can be shared across component files.


Creating a State Composable

First, we'll create a composable to store the objects.

Setting the object to the state

Next, we'll assign an object to the state and include it in a subcomponent where we can access and use it.

Using the object in other components

With the mesh assigned to the reactive state, it's available throughout your project.

import { reactive, toRefs } from "vue";

const state = reactive({
    mesh: null,
    //you can add more objects here

export function useState() {
    return {
<script setup lang="ts">
import { BoxGeometry, Mesh, MeshNormalMaterial } from 'three';

import SubComponent from './SubComponent.vue';
import { useState } from '../composables/state';

const { mesh } = useState();

//assinging the object to the state
mesh.value = new Mesh(new BoxGeometry(), new MeshNormalMaterial());

  <TresPerspectiveCamera />

  <SubComponent />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useState } from '../composables/state';
const { mesh } = useState();


  <primitive v-if="mesh" :object="mesh" />

Using TresMesh components

You can also add TresMesh components to the reactive state. Here, we'll use a reference and assign it to the state when mounted.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { BoxGeometry, Mesh, MeshNormalMaterial } from 'three';

import SubComponent from './SubComponent.vue';
import { useState } from '../composables/state';

const { mesh } = useState();

//reference the object
const exampleRef = ref(null);

//assinging the object to the state when mounted
onMounted(() => {
  mesh.value = exampleRef.value;

  <TresPerspectiveCamera />

  <TresMesh ref="exampleRef" :position="[0, 0, 0]" cast-shadow>
      <TresBoxGeometry :args="[1.5, 1.5, 1.5]" />
      <TresMeshToonMaterial color="#4F4F4F" />

  <SubComponent />

Using Pinia Store

By using the same logic we can also use pinia. By using pinia we also have full access to actions and getters.

import { defineStore } from "pinia";

export const useModelStore = defineStore('model', {
    state: () => {
        return {
            exampleModel: null,
    actions: {},
<script setup lang="ts">
import { BoxGeometry, Mesh, MeshNormalMaterial } from 'three';
import { useModelStore } from '../stores/model';

const modelStore = useModelStore();

//reference the object
const exampleRef = ref(null);

//assinging the object to the state when mounted
onMounted(() => {
  modelStore.exampleModel = exampleRef.value;

  <TresPerspectiveCamera />

  <TresMesh ref="exampleRef" :position="[0, 0, 0]" cast-shadow>
      <TresBoxGeometry :args="[1.5, 1.5, 1.5]" />
      <TresMeshToonMaterial color="#4F4F4F" />

With these steps, you can easily manage and share objects across different components in your Vue 3 project using a reactive composable.